Kheyl Bin

Monday, August 02, 2004

Off day!

So todays my off day. Went to Raffles place with Gina to collect free medicine from her company clinic. She wanted this to apply this UOB lady's card(the red rose one),its so ugly! I disuaded her from applying it and recommended the DBS lady's card(the butterfly one). Its so much better having butterflies than big ugly red roses rite? Well was there early so walked to a pie shop to source for my chicken pie to serve during my birthday. There were so many people walking by outside the MRT station. I wonder if I will join the ranks of the business executives after I ORD. Walked past this refurbished old building at China street.

Thats the new pair of shoes I bought last week. Aint they pretty? But its abit uncomfortable at the toe becoz of the design. Have to bear with it since I want to look nice.

Caught 'The House of Flying Daggers' in the evening. It wasnt as good as i expected. I only enjoyed the part when Zhang Ziyi was dancing.....otherwise its all juz fighting and fighting. It still cant beat 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' which has such good scenes and a superb storyline. A true classic!


  • The shoes look great! Eh so envious gina can apply credit card. I tink the lady card look nice lei.. Nice red roses. FEr.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:11 PM  

  • Ugly lah!I prefer flutterbies.

    By Blogger Kelvin, At 5:24 PM  

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