Kheyl Bin

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Are you Happy?

Was home from NDP sessions last eveing. Mum went to fetch me and I gave her 4 sets of KFC and 2 sets of Vegetatrian meals. At first it was only 2 KFC meals but then she say take more so can peel off the meat for my doggies. Haha.

Came home,slacked abit before going out. So Ros sms me to meet up for supper but I cant. Was going clubbing to meet my date. I wanted to see her also but too bad...... Anyway Im going to Caldecot Hill to watch Maia on Fri.

There was this new place opened at Tanjong Pager called Happy. It was bigger than all of the clubs there,so spacious. So Charles was there PRing....talking to the owner and the sister whois this lady in her 40s enjoying life. Drinking Champange and dancing away. When they exchanged phone numbers to be mahjong kakis she put on her reading glasses that made her look like the typical grandmother. So a grandmother in the club? Why not? And ya she thought I was a SQ gal too....hahaha no lah next time maybe. Thanks for the compliment anyway.

He was talking to them and another of the partners,Glenn Geoi the director of The Dim Sum Dollies I just caught . They had Champange! Never share wif me coz i was going for supper. For your information Champange can only be bought in bottles not glasses so I cant buy one for myself. The servers there keep asking "Are you Happy?". So funny but I responded anyway.


  • Kelvin so charles is your date?...hehe..... fer

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:28 AM  

  • No lah siao ah.Haha but he wouldnt mind i guess. Haha

    By Blogger Kelvin, At 4:58 PM  

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