Kheyl Bin

Monday, August 28, 2006

Price Theory is so FUN!

Mr Mok, the funniest and lamest lecturer I had my whole life. This semester is really good, with Kuan becoming so helpful,Stephen also v funny w his jokes(his facial expression rocks!) and of coz the bespectacled and twig like Mr Mok.

He helped us a great deal with the last test. Today this is what he gave:

1)Kinked demand curve is based on?

a) Kinky Ideas

b)Crooked ruler when drawing curve

2)If apple priced its ipod high when initially launched and then later lowered prices, what do you call this?

a)Macintosh pricing method

b)Steve methodology

c)Kill Sim method

d)Anti Creative pricing

Short answer question

There is a family that produces actors like Jackie Chan. The market has an increase in demand for Jackie Chan's movie and thus cause Jackie Chan's salary to increase. What it she thape of the long run supply of Jackie Chan?

Drove by the petrol station to get Walls Balance ice cream just now, because I wanted to eat it while watching TV. I still saw one tub when I was topping up petrol on Friday. Inside the store, I only saw strawberry flavour staring back at me. All strawberry. Sianz. I wan CHOCOLATE!

Drove to another petrol station but they only carried Hagen Dazz.....I will trying again next week.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Been thinking of going for lasik surgery these recent weeks. The cost isnt that sky high as compared to years ago.Then today, there is no need to already, because just bought another 1/2 year supply of contact lenses. Anyway,I will have difficulty asking my mum for the money as well. Leave it to next time when I start working.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Im stupid Im stupid Im stupid

Took my first test of this semester today, Price Theory. MCQ questions were exactly the same as what came up for the tutorials. I didnt even think about a shit and dive right into it. End up, indifference curve in tutorial was change to budget curve in test.

!!!!!!!I got the wrong answer!!Serve me right dont even wana read it properly. But no time to check also beacause i panicked at looking at those short answer questions.

Pray hard that will be the only question wrong. Hoping to get 20mk la....pleeeeease.

Dinner at Village

Anyway Village is this new food place that took over Marche at the Hereen. Everything is the same,even the food. Dont know change for what.

I cant remember what we met up for already, but I guess its just ad hoc planning. It was on 31 Aug. Still no clue. Had this promotion with UOB bank, which one set meal consists of one main dish,soup,salad and desert. Guess how much it cost?

$10.80 cheap until lao sai. Furthermore ar la carte items have 20% off. Better than Marche!

Friday, August 11, 2006

08 Aug 2006
Singapore Fireworks Festival
Team Singapore @ Marina Bay

Approx 8.45 pm
Hoards of people walking towards marina to watch the fireworks. I guess the underpass will be more packed coz roads are 2nd options.

Approx 9.09 pm Im watching the fireworks from the restaraunt. Not much people in there. Its better than being squashed like sardines down below and without the ash. I always hated crowds.

Approx 9.20 pm all the ants start swarming back home. ITS HORRIBLE when I imagine taking a train home.

Walked past this pet shop in jurong last week when going home. This dog keep barking and trying to chase me from inside the shop. It was having its hair permed, so cute. But my doggies are the cutest in the world, though a tad fat.

Taking snapshots during my last week of work. Thats Kevin and Jasmine.

Cat left me a testimonial on I seldom go to that site anyway)
Oop this Kelvin ah sign..Should i said true things?????Nvm for him to find out,quite a funny guy,sometime wan him to work cos can talk rubbish w me..but most of d time can't stand him,talk too much.heheto me all these youngster r wasting time in our store,but let u guys know,we going to miss u guys..Again 3 cheer to kelvin aolso wish him all d bedst in his study

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ivan: WRU
Kelvin: Home
Ivan: Why nvr come school?

In my mind these words screamed at me "Shit" "Fuck" "Cheebye". I was just about to step out of my house. And I miss one lecture too. Im going to fail! No la kidding, just read up on today's lecture.