Kheyl Bin

Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy New Year!

Went to my grandma's place for reunion dinner last night. My grandma is gone but still got grandaunt left. My sister is in USA and 1 of my younger cousin left at 3 saying she full already dont want to eat. I was saying "Huh?Like that also can ah?" But how?Cant scold her also her Mum approved it. I LL lor.

We had 9 dishes for 11 people. First time I enjoyed yu sheng. There was roast duck,roast chicken,chicken curry,brocolli with abalone, sea cucumber with scallops,pig trotters,ngoh hiang,noodles,popiah and chicken soup.

Collected quite alot of money today. Will be able to clear my credit card debt without touching my bank account. Dad still havent give me my ang pow yet.Only went to my paternal and maternal grandparents house today. Most of my time spent is at my maternal grandparents place playing blackjack and mahjong.

Going to JR's place tml and Gina's place. Overnight mahjong....let me win some more money! Please!

Have a Great New Year.


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