Kheyl Bin

Friday, November 25, 2005

Sick Again

I was running a fever of 39.2 C when I reach the clinic at 7pm last evening. I was feeling wierd that morning ,thirsty and having muscle aches. Had headaches and fever when I was in the office. Half dead after lunch. But I got stuff to complete before going back so still had to do OT for 45 mins.

Came back from the clinic and slept. I did wake up a couple of times though, because my mum came and put ice packs on me and change my shirt. I changed 3 shirts that night, soaking with sweat,while I had the air con on at 21 C.

Had 2 nightmares also.It was when I had an item made of many many many (eg 100000) parts and I got to remove and find their part number 1 by 1(so my worst fears are being handed down fucked up jobs like this). I woke up from it and cried,took medicine and went to sleep again. Slept a total of 11 hours yesterday.

Feeling better already today, have to because have to work on Mon earn money!


  • hey kelvin, take good care of yourself okiez.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 2:10 AM  

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