Kheyl Bin

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Saturday Out

Finally bought a new toothbrush after using the old one for 2 years. It kinda I changed it. Must have alot of bacteria on it. Went to Watsons, chose a toothbrush that has whitening properties and can buy another 1 at $1. But I took another toothbrush of a cheaper price by mistake....lugi sia.

Ate alot today. Made a mistake ordering butter squid at the far east malay stall. Should have taken the $4.80 calamari downstairs which is crispy and yummy! I just love calamari!

Anyway I was out with Huiling, Rosalind and Sarene. Im sorry I always bicker with Sarene but sometimes it seems that we are moving in different paces.

I just Christmas! Love the jazzy carols they sing at shopping centers. Other than that....I think Great Singapore Sale has better discounts. Although jewellery are at 50% discount, I cant wear any also.


  • the $4.80 calamari is fr e shop which sells fried mars choc oso hur? is the choc nice or not hur? haaa. the cheese sausage not nice leh.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 12:03 AM  

  • Yeah that one. But the Fried Mars Bar dont look very nice.

    By Blogger Kelvin, At 9:24 PM  

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