Kheyl Bin

Monday, January 03, 2005

Have a Happy New Year!

For your information,I don't make New Year Resolutions. It seems that I don't fufill them so why crack my brain thinking about what I want? Maybe next year? 2006 when I complete my NS liability?

So last night we were at Orchard Cineleisure drinking coffee. What a boring way to spend the first few hours of the New Year, well but what do you expect from me? They spent the night at my place and as in the morning, I was showing them old photos again. I don't know whyI like showing friends old photos. Photos ranging from my baby stage to now.

There was 1 photo that Bon saw,pointed out a kid. He said " This kid got potential to be gay. Stand until like that" and I took a look at it. Oh my god the kid he was saying is me! Shit! Hahaha then we laughed for quite some time at that stupid photo. It was taken during a kindergarten play where all of the students were clowns.

Well thats my sister and me. Happy family hor!There are still lots of other photos from my growing years and will be served if requested.

As this week go by, I get closer to the day Im leaving for training in Thailand. I will be away from 070105 till 040205. Its approximatly a month and Im going to miss my family and friends here. Feeling down this week because of the trip. Hope it blows over fast so that I can be back in my sty. Well by the time im back I think the new house will be almost ready for moving in so i'll be busy again.

Last but not least, have a Great New Year 2005 people!