Kheyl Bin

Monday, November 01, 2004

Not a Lazy Sunday !

Came back from live range. Well i didnt fire,but just supplied the guys with food (dinner for Saturday and Sunday's breakfast). Have to stay in the field till 5 in the evening. The night before,it was cold and I developed breathing difficulties. One of the friends my cough brought with it. Managed only to sleep 3 hours after my breathing resumed at 7 am when its warmer. The afternoon was terrible,damn hot. Its like a oven in the tonner,and the mosquitoes were showing no mercy.I had bites all over including the part above my bum and my fingers.

Went to see the new house in the evening. God I thinked it was horrid. The rooms were no bigger than the one Im bunking in now and the view.......just cant describe it. Why cant I just stay in my current place? Eileen said there was a walk in waldrobe, Helo! Its only 2 square feet wide how to put my clothes? On the overall the area is smaller than what I have now. Smaller garden,smaller porch,smaller living room. The view of the back is that of the backside of other houses. The only thing bigger is my sister's room,no wonder she's happy with it lar. Well have to start designing my room before they start moving in.


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