Kheyl Bin

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Lazy Sunday

Morning :
Awaken by some drilling on the wall. My idiotic neighbour had to do this kinda thing to me! Wah lao disturb my beauty sleep......... Anyway I dont know what's gonna happen today. Gonna cook Fish n Chips for my Mum and Dad at dinner time though.

Slept through the afternoon,till 5 pm then I remember I had to cook. Went downstairs and found out the fish was not defrosted enough and the potatoes are not soaked in water. Well my Mum dont know how to cook Fish n Chips so cant blame her. Managed to cook and eat my share before 7 so I can meet Beven n gang.

Back from Orchard with Beven,Kenji and this new guy called Don. Its 11.45 now.Was showering and den I saw this big bruise on my right knee. I banged into the steel barricade while jay-walking across nicole highway last evening. How to make it go away? May friend told me to rub it to disperse the blood but I cant stand inflicting pain on myself. If you guys out there know anything i can apply on it please tell me k.

Bruised Posted by Hello

Photos taken at N.Y.D.C

Mr Monkey wants to eat too! Posted by Hello

S.H.E haha Posted by Hello


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