Kheyl Bin

Monday, October 17, 2005

The long work days N short weekends

Work has not been treating me kindly. I keep making mistakes....and although my boss didnt scold me......I still feel stupid. And that Hoe, dont keep saying out my mistakes out loud lah.....tell me discreetly and I'll amend it can already what. But hes the one been teaching me the rinds ,didnt think he did it on purpose. My boss is a very nice man, didnt scold me for cocking up his work. He did some of the stuff for me and always encourage me to ask if I dont know how to do. I've heard too many "Ai zai, mai kan cheong","Eh sai buay" until they dont mean anything to me anymore. I still feel stupid lah.....

But the OT pay is very encouraging though!


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