Kheyl Bin

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

My Stubborn Granny

My grandma is hospitalised after a fall. Now we can only guess that she had a fractured pelvis or hip. Initial X ray results didnt show any fracture so shes going to go for another one.When I visited her today, she seem abit senile.

She refused to eat and lied to us that she had eaten. The nursed wanted to put her on drip or feed her through a nasal tube but she refuse. My aunty was saying wait until they put the nasal tube in her then she will eat, very stubborn.

There was this funny incident just now in the ward. She pointed at another patients visitor and asked who that was. I really think shes senile because thats the hospital,anyone can walk in and out. We replied that we dont know her and she said " Ta hao pang" which means shes fat in mandarin. Anyhow comment on other people's visitors.

I will visit her tomorrow again and hope she starts to eat.