Kheyl Bin

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Long Long Day Part II

Woke up at 10 today. I thought i could sleep till late coz turned in at 4am last night. Krison came to my place to print some stuff and then after a chat with beven and my mum,we went out at 2 pm.

Wanted to go Bras Besar to print posters for Maia but then its Sun,reached there and there were closed. Walked to Raffles City ,then in Lifeshop one caucasian guy tried to chat up with him... it was like "yeah buy watever you like for your home. And put it on my charge card" Haha some people got picked up even when shopping. Proceeded for tea at Teaspa, I had lavendar green tea. Smells great but wasnt sweet. I always prefer things sweet,especially life.


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