Kheyl Bin

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Morning Muses

Still feeling cheated since last evening. Well its like this. My Mum promised me she would give me a Sup card when I turn 21..but then I found out that she actually gave it to my sister. My Sis got a stack of credit cards already lor...need so much for wat. I know there are other cards but the plat one is always better rite? Ok nvm. So I told her I wanted to have Lasik sugery done and she just listen.....So im gonna find ways to psycho her to pay for it since she still owe me something.

Surfing through prople's blogs...well seen another one of it with the same template. Well no choice lah coz its premade..I dont know how to use html to design my own anyway. I hope you guys like to see pictures rather than essays.

Im the kind of person who is more into graphics than verbs. I need to see pictures and not some campbell alphabet soup.


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