Kheyl Bin

Monday, February 20, 2006

Great Test!

The Econs test was great today! So far only got 1 question wrong after discussing it with friends. Hope I really only got 1 ± lah. Standard deviation.Went for the scheduled Dota match after lessons. SOOOO FUN! Long time didnt play it and its my chance to get to know new friends. Gilbert,Winston,Debbie,Daryl. Not forgetting the not so fresh classmates like Evelyn,Kenneth,Ernie,Juntian. Heard Evelyn and Juntian car kena summon. Felt so guilty getting a ride on her car this afternoon.

On the train home, I got to take a seat. The only one was at the end of the cabin, and this uncle was sleeping until so shiok open his legs so wide. My bag was so heavy today with my file and textbook, so I just squeezed in. Then, I got a whiff of something salty. Not those sweat salty but smells like kitchen salty. Those of Mee Goreng and Nasi Goreng. I was thinking this uncle must be working at a roti prata outlet. Really buay tahan the smell. My head got dizzy.....put my head out further to get more air. Every now and then I smell the giam giam smell. So pissed! Cannot enjoy my ride back. Nearing to my stop, his phone rang and he answered it. His mouth smelt of those Mama Shop Samosa. Kaoz! I got up and went to another cabin, since only 2 more stops can tahan standing. :) Thats my train experience.


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