Kheyl Bin

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Photos From Thailand!

I finally managed to get the photos taken in Thailand. So lets have a look at some of them together:

A photo taken before we move out for the ATEC mission. I hate putting on camoflauge cream on my face because from experience, it always cause me to have breakouts. Theres my CQ Ker and storeman Fauzi. Fauzi commented that Ker looks like Ninja Turtle when he puts on camo and his helmet. I agree too! And we have a great time laughing at the Turtle!

The Driver, SomChai calles Fauzi Ninja because Fauzi always wraps a cloth around his nose and mouth while sitting behind. The amount of dust blown up by the tyres outrageous so its better to cover your nose to make it easier to breathe.

Thats a tonner being camoflauged. Other than putting up the net and taking turns to keep the area safe from enemies,we got nothing much to do outfield. So there will be tonnes of opportunities to take photos. Well as proven so.

See the photo above? It might be a ghost in the midst of the Forest or just some light reflection. We prefer not to think to complicated because at that time we were out in the wilderness, away from our homeland. There could be things we do not know that existed.

Going back to camp. The moment we have all been waiting for! After a days out in the wild, all I wanted is a shower, some clean clothes and of course, Food! We had a little banquet dinner ad provided by our camp. A 10 course dinner but it sucked! Well for rural standards it may be a feast but not for a prince like me!

Thats a photo taken during the rest and relax activity. It was the best meal as compared to the other catered meals .Although the food was cold, it generally tasted better. But still it cant be compared to the food sold in the canteen. Good and Cheap and Warm.

The Girl in the brown jacket is Jiab,who sells food in one of the canteen stalls. Kelvin Chang is interested in her and they still sms each other. Today I asked him how are things going, he replied that she called from Thailand days ago and tried to start a conversation.

Jiab: Hi ,howare you doing? ( Of course the conversation was in broken english since Jiab cant speak fluently)
KC: Im fine, how about you?
Jiab: Im fine too, just tiring
KC: I think you should go to sleep.

Haha how ironic!The girl of your dreams calls you and them you ask her to go to sleep. Sometimes Kelvin does things that does'nt make sense. Maybe sending her an email would be better?

See the other 'girl' in white? Shes actually a guy,we call him Jenny. Her actions are just so amusing, a very feminine guy.She always give me discount lar because we always buy from her and I teach her simple English . I patronise her stall because there's this other girl, Naam.