Kheyl Bin

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Home After A Whole Week In Camp

So im back from Camp after a whole week staying in. Security is tight now hard to find chances to book out. Sigh.... I miss the good old days.

So last Sun we were at Neptune having the Thank You Dinner organised by PA. I was promised a topless show...but ended up only girls in bikinis. I can find there everywhere lor why bother go there and see?

A photo taken at Neptune. Quite a nice shot iss'nt it?Postcard quality.

Now Roy n Me. Hes my buddy after Benson only partner in camp...

Angela and her Mum. Her Mum really dont look like a typical auntie hor. Thats good .

The couple who were always helping us distribute the rations during practices. They are so cute friendly im going to miss them.

Now this Aunty(Alice) wore a Thai costume to the dinner that night. I saw her downstairs and thought she was the waitress.....den I said "Sawadeekarp" Haha. Teasing her lah. Its exgerrating hor to wear like that. Well unless shes Thai den I got nothing to say. Im such a Bitch

Look at all the Youngsters dance and the Old folks boogie

Mimi is this malay guy who behaves in a sissy way.Hes always in these very tight jeans and he says his name is Mimi. Huh wat MIMI?! Kaoz! So he was in drag that night. So daring! Yeah his the one in the center with the fur coat. The aunty at my table was luffing so hard....hahaha "Mimi zing char bor! Ah kua!Hahaha" Damn funny. Maybe he found his true self early.


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