Kheyl Bin

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I Love Grocery Shopping

Went to Golden Mile for Thai food with Pocky, Glen and James on Saturday. James loved papaya salad so much...I think it taste disgusting with the prawn mixture.I prefer the sweet and sour mango salad at Holland Village.

Browsing at the Thai supermarket upstairs, there were alot of new stuff. A school of catfish in a big tank waiting to be murdered and their body parts wrapped in plastic by housewives.So Poor thing,the tank is so small,and they are going to be killed soon. I wonder how catfish taste like?

James bought his papaya salad ingredients and guess what we found? Soft shell crab to be made into salad. Yucks. Sounds disgusting.And a packet of green stuff looking like moss, labeled as 'Thai Vegetable". Pocky doesnt know what that was as well.


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