Kheyl Bin

Friday, September 09, 2005

The Day Boys Go Botak!

These are suppose to be given out to the new recruits coming in this morning. Its a hell of a time distributing and making sure all the items are of the correct size and no damages. We overlooked on getting them to check their T shirts and shorts, so for now some of them will have to wear one size smaller admin kit. No choice Army Logistics cant be there 24 hrs,they packed up at 4pm.

Looking at the Sgts scold the recruits, I really felt bad for them. I didnt scold them today(When did I every scold someone?), and my mouth was filled with please and thank yous. I cant stand people getting scolded "Yah take your time!", "You got 5 secs to go to the training shed, 5,4,3,2,1!" , " You all think you all still on holiday ah?!" . Poor boys.

Since its almost my last day in camp, I've been very happy the whole day, whistling and singing to myself. Decided to take a few photos but its difficult with all those people walking around and its illegal now to bring camera phone to camp. This are my Co storemans 2SG Basir and LCP Azmie. I heard a new nickname for them today, Mimi and Baba. Haha so cute! Mimi is a born joker and Basir more reserved. Wanted to have photos taken with Angela,Ker and Chris all in smart 4 but got no chance. Well Tues then,the last day I go back as a serviceman.


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