Kheyl Bin

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I've been feeling rather bloated after last night's steamboat meal with Sarene,Huiling and Rosalind. I've had diarrhea thrice and its those cannot tahan type(had to stop by petrol station).

Been belching non stop since last night and theres this terrible feeling in my gut that makes me wonder if im hungry or just feeling bloated. Still managed to eat lunch and dinner to make sure that I wasn't feeling hungry. What a bad experience!

Yesterday,1 of Singapore's great men passed away and I've been watching those documentaries on him. Feeling quite sad about his passing but then hes old already right? Have to go right? Guess the feeling is normal but I've never felt like that about anybody before,not even when the plane struck the twin towers. But nevertheless he's still one great Son of Singapore.